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Trends in Educational Building Design

If you think back to your schoolroom, or even further to the one-room schoolroom of a century ago, you’ll notice huge changes and innovations. Just walk into any modern classroom, and odds are, you’ll see technology everywhere, dedicated spaces, and even a small sink and kitchen. 

Neenan Archistruction® specializes in educational building design in Colorado and throughout the nation. Our building design and construction firm offers a Collaborative Design Process that involves the client every step of the way. Below, we’ll take a look at some important trends in educational building design. Contact us today!

Increased Emphasis Placed on Overall Health

Since the pandemic, everyone is hyper-focused on the health of everyone inside schools. This means that educational building design is looking at ways to improve the overall HVAC system that can make a significant impact on air quality. Schools are considering interior design, as they analyze the materials that furniture is made from, as well as the psychology of color in terms of design choices. School nursing stations are being redesigned to accommodate for isolation if need be, and teachers’ health is prioritized, too.

Focused Wellness Centers for Relaxation and Decompression

Social and emotional health are taking center stage as more psychologists are recognizing the need for students to have their own area to escape the pressures of school and calm down. This is a crucial need for children with sensory issues. However, all students (and teachers) can benefit from having a cozy place to relax, decompress, and recharge for the day. Wobble stools, rockers, books, and dedicated reading areas can make a big impact on children’s overall well-being.

A Renewed Focus on Outdoor Learning Experiences

The pandemic forced outdoor learning, and everyone reaped the benefits of being outdoors more. Now, the trend is moving towards having permanent outdoor educational spaces that are complete with comfy outdoor furniture and portable technology. From outdoor gardens that serve as both learning opportunities and mental breaks, the use of the outdoor environment surrounding schools will continue to grow.

Hybrid Learning Environments Are Here to Stay

Many parents, students, and educators quickly realized the benefits of a hybrid learning model. Having students at home and learning on their own schedule on-demand made a big impact in the lives of many. Educational building design will now be focused on ensuring access to broadband and collaborative technology is easy. Expect more USB ports and other ways to stay charged.

Repurposing of School Spaces as Learning Environments

Schools have been complaining for quite some time about how they need more space for a growing student population. Yet, when the pandemic forced schools to utilize hallways, basements, and other little-used spaces, the trend has become how to better use the existing space for various educational needs. Stackable furniture and little-used gymnasiums that can be repurposed for other learning opportunities will soon become a commonplace

Creation of Smaller Community Spaces

There’s something about smaller spaces that foster an intimacy and a comfort level that larger spaces just can’t afford. Smaller communal places that are open to all students are now becoming commonplace as students reap the benefits of having a small learning environment they can study in that is comfortable and made just for them.


Our design build firm based in Fort Collins can’t wait to help you with your next educational architectural design. We stay abreast of the latest in design trends so we can bring you the best architectural design that meets your needs. Our team is proud to offer our Collaborative Design Process to bring you the educational facility of your dreams. Reach out to us today!